Postman Collections

API 101

Temel olarak, iyzico API'lerini kullanmanın en hızlı yolu.

Adım-1 : Launch Into

Koleksiyonumuzu içe aktarmak için ilgili repo kullanabilirsiniz.

Step 2: Credentials Configuration

Now, it is time for setting your credentials.

  1. 1.On the top right of Postman platform, click on Environment section.

  2. Choose to edit Gitbook PWI Credentials.

  3. There are 2(two) variables secretKey and apiKey. Switch those credentials with your Sandbox keys.

  4. Save with Update.

It's expected to open a Sandbox account before Postman configuration.

Final Prep

We are almost ready for make our first test payment. There are last 2(two) key points to beware;

  • Running the requests in the correct order.

  • Selecting a test card

Then, let's make our first transaction with PWI product.

Last updated