

Here in this page, you'll have details of creating a Sandbox account and API credentials.

If you already have a Sandbox, then please follow the link to login your account.

Step-1 : Sign up for a Sandbox

Please refer following link to sign up a Sandbox account;

A Sandbox account offers you to manage everything from one simple panel. Each account comes with unique merchantId as well as two pairs of credentials, API KEY & SECRET KEY, relatively.




Secret Key


For the Sandbox, OTP is 123456 statically.

Step-2 : Take Your Credentials

In iyzico services, you will be asked for authentication before making any transaction. To find out where;

  1. Log in to your Sandbox Account.

  2. Follow the path Settings > Merchant Settings from the menu on the left.

  3. Under the Merchant Settings page, go for API Keys section. Once you click on Show detail, there are the magic begins.

Ready for Postman Collections

By now, you've setup your Sandbox Account and find out API credentials.

  • Sandbox Account

  • API Credentials

It is time for a closer look at APIs with our Postman Collections.

Last updated