iyzilink API
iyzilink API içerisinde yer alan servisler aşağıda listelenmiştir.
List of iyzilink
Create iyzilink
Upon a successful request to create an iyzilink, you can use the returned "url" parameter and share it with your customers. This URL can be used by your customers to access and utilize the iyzilink for making payments.
Create iyzilink
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
locale | String | Language(default:tr). Alternative is ‘en’. |
conversationId* | String | Conversation ID to match request and response. |
currencyCode* | String | Default is TRY. Alternatives are USD, EUR, GBP, IRR. |
encodedImageFile* | String | Base64 encoded version of the product image. |
description* | String | Description of the iyzilink product. |
name* | String | Name of the iyzilink product. |
price* | String | Total amount for iyzilink product. |
addressIgnorable | String | Address flag. |
installmentRequested | String | Installment flag. |
buyerName(productBuyerInfo) | String | Name of the product buyer. |
buyerSurname(productBuyerInfo) | String | Surname of the product buyer. |
buyerCity(productBuyerInfo) | String | City of the product buyer. |
buyerCountry(productBuyerInfo) | String | Country of the product buyer. |
buyerGsmNumber(productBuyerInfo) | String | GSM of the product buyer. |
buyerEmail(productBuyerInfo) | String | Email of the product buyer. |
buyerAddress(productBuyerInfo) | String | Address of the product buyer. |
stockCount | Integer | Number of the stocks. |
stockEnabled | Boolean | Default is false. |
Create iyzilink Response
Output Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Service response result (success / failure) |
systemTime | Long | Response system timestamp value |
locale | String | Language (default: tr) |
conversationId | String | If set, conversation ID to match request and response |
token | String | Unique value created for each checkout form request. This token is used to access the payment result |
url | String | URL of iyzico payment page |
imageUrl | String | URL of product |
Update iyzilink
When you create an iyzilink, you will receive a token value in the response. You can use this token value to update your existing iyzilinks. This allows you to make modifications or adjustments to your iyzilinks as needed, ensuring flexibility and control over your payment processes.
Update iyzilink
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
locale | String | Language(default:tr). Alternative is ‘en’. |
conversationId* | String | Conversation ID to match request and response. |
currencyCode* | String | Default is TRY. Alternatives are USD, EUR, GBP, IRR. |
encodedImageFile | String | Base64 encoded version of the product image. |
description* | String | Description of the iyzilink product. |
name* | String | Name of the iyzilink product. |
price* | String | Total amount for iyzilink product. |
addressIgnorable | String | Address flag. |
soldLimit | String | Number of stock. |
installmentRequested | String | Installment flag. |
token | String | Unique value created for each iyzilink request. |
Update iyzilink Response
Output Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Service response result (success / failure) |
systemTime | Long | Response system timestamp value |
locale | String | Language (default: tr) |
conversationId | String | If set, conversation ID to match request and response |
token | String | Unique value created for each checkout form request. This token is used to access the payment result |
url | String | URL of iyzico payment page |
imageUrl | String | URL of product |
Delete iyzilink
When you create an iyzilink, you will receive a token value in the response. You can use this token value to delete your existing iyzilinks.
Delete iyzilink
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
locale | String | Language(default:tr). Alternative is ‘en’. |
conversationId | String | Conversation ID to match request and response. |
token* | String | Unique value created for each iyzilink request. |
Delete iyzilink Response
Output Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Service response result (success / failure) |
systemTime | Long | Response system timestamp value |
Get Details iyzilink
Get Details iyzilink
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
locale | String | Language(default:tr). Alternative is ‘en’. |
conversationId | String | Conversation ID to match request and response. |
token* | String | Unique value created for each iyzilink request. |
Get Details Response
Output Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Service response result (success / failure) |
systemTime | Long | Response system timestamp value |
locale | String | Language (default: tr) |
conversationId | String | If set, conversation ID to match request and response |
name | String | Name of product |
description | String | Description of product |
price | String | Price of product |
currencyid | String | Currency ID of product |
currencyCode | String | Currency of product |
token | String | Unique value created for each checkout form request. This token is used to access the payment result |
productType | String | iyzico product type |
productStatus | String | Status of product |
merchantId | String | |
url | String | URL of iyzico payment page |
imageUrl | String | URL of product |
Status Update iyzilink
Status Update/Active iyzilink
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
locale | String | Language(default:tr). Alternative is ‘en’. |
conversationId | String | Conversation ID to match request and response. |
Status Update/Passive iyzilink
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
locale | String | Language(default:tr). Alternative is ‘en’. |
conversationId | String | Conversation ID to match request and response. |
Status Update Response
Output Name | Type | Description |
status | String | Yapılan isteğin sonucunu belirtir. İşlem başarılı ise success değeri döner. |
systemTime | Long | Dönen sonucun o anki unix timestamp değeridir. |
locale | String | Kullanılan dil. |
conversationId | String | İstek esnasında gönderilmişse, sonuçta aynen geri iletilir. |
Last updated