Initialize Shopping Credit

The payWithIyzicoPageUrl value you will receive as a result of the request shown below is a unique page to which end users will be directed so that they can use shopping credit with iyzico. After the end user completes the shopping credit process, they are automatically directed to the callBackUrl address you specified during the request.

The created link can be displayed on the payment page with a button. The token you will receive with the link can be stored at this stage or when it is sent to the callBackUrl address (in case it is advanced to the shopping credit process). The validity period of the resulting link and token values is 30 minutes. If the process is not completed within this period, the token will expire. Inquiries can be made at any time for each token value at which the process starts.

Buyer parameters name, surname, email and gsmNumber must be real values. These values are important both for your technical integration and for the end users' experience on the payment form page. These values are shown as default in the input fields on the Pay with iyzico page.

NOTE : Within the scope of shopping credit regulation, shopping credit cannot be used for products in the Gold category, but Shopping Credit can be provided with a limited number of installments for Mobile Phone, Computer and Tablet products. Therefore, if one of the products in the basket is one of these products, the relevant value must be sent in the category1(BasketItem) field in accordance with the regulation.

For the product value in the cart:

  1. Gold is "GOLD",

  2. Food is “FOOD”,

  3. Mobile phone is “PHONE”,

  4. “PC” if the computer is a desktop or laptop,

  5. Tablet means "TABLET"

Their values are expected to be sent in the category1(BasketItem) field. Values sent for all product categories other than these are marked as OTHER by us. Apart from these, businesses can continue to send the values they currently send for product categories. There is no case sensitive requirement for these values.

Initialize Shopping Credit Request

You can access the Pay with iyzico Initiation document, which you will use to initiate a Shopping Credit, by clicking on the card below.

Last updated