Live vs Sandbox

At iyzico, we understand the importance of a seamless payment experience in the fintech industry. To ensure the reliability and accuracy of your payment integration, we offer both Live and Sandbox environments.

While Live environment allows you to process real transactions, ensuring that your customers' payments are securely processed and funds are transferred smoothly.

On the other hand, our Sandbox environment provides a safe and controlled testing environment. It mimics the behavior of the Live environment, allowing you to simulate transactions and test your payment flows without affecting real transactions or funds.

Key differences;


Our ENVs are exactly same regarding architecture. The only difference between our LIVE and Sandbox ENVs is URL paths on your API call.


iyzico authenticaton requires two pairs of credentials, apiKey and secretKey. Similar to Endpoints headline above, Sandbox credentials comes with "sandbox-..." prefix.

With in "abc" sample;

  • "apiKey":"abc..."

  • "secretKey":"def..."

Test Cards

For testing purposes, we provide a set of test cards that you can use in the Sandbox environment. These test cards simulate different payment scenarios, allowing you to validate your payment flows, handle various response codes, and ensure smooth transaction processing only on Sandbox ENV.

Last updated