Subscription Implementation
Subscription product consists of three main steps; the steps are as follows:
Product Creation
Payment Plan Creation
Subscription can only be used with credit cards.
For example, if you want to initiate a subscription process for two different magazines you publish, you simply need to create two products, A Magazine and B Magazine, and create payment plans based on the publication frequency of the magazines. Assuming that A Magazine is published every month and B Magazine is published every week, you can set the plan for A Magazine at 50 TL per month and the plan for B Magazine at 30 TL per week. iyzico provides you with a reference code for each plan. Sending this reference code in a payment request is sufficient to subscribe the end user to that specific plan.
Products and plans can be created, updated, or deleted in seconds through the iyzico merchant panel or API requests. To initiate a subscription, a payment request must be sent via the API. Payment can be made through a checkout form or directly via API request.
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