Integration Checklist

iyzico understands that preparing for the launch of e-commerce platform requires careful planning and execution. To ensure a successful and seamless transition into the live environment, it is essential to go through a comprehensive checklist. This checklist will guide you through important aspects to consider before going live, including compliance, security, testing, user experience, customer support, risk management, scalability, legal requirements, and disaster recovery. By following this checklist, you can enhance the readiness of your company and provide a secure and efficient platform for your users.

1. Get your iyzico Sandbox account

Setting up a Sandbox account is the first step regardless of product we are planning to implement.

2. Review sample codes & Postman Collection

Following up Checking Postman Collection, It is time to ensure that your company has obtained all necessary POST requests and payloads from relevant documentation bodies.

3. Decision of the Product and Payment Method

In iyzico we believe seamless integration comes with correct architecture which matches of your e-commerce platform. Make sure your integration can establish a robust customer experience for their entire payment lifecycle. iyzico iyzinators waiting for to hearing from you in regards to any question!

4. Make Test Payments

Test, test, test. Test various scenarios, including different transaction types, user interactions, and edge cases, to validate the system's stability. Happy path is not the only path.

5- Make Webhook Test

Second to last is payment notifications, please make sure that you acknowledge any notification type with a SUCCESS response.

6- Apply for the iyzico PROD account

And finally, please contact your account manager to get application process and go live details.

Last updated