Bank Error Codes
When the relevant request is successfully made and the payment is initiated, errors that include payment responses returned from the bank are evaluated in this group. The error codes and explanations of this group are as follows.
Error Code | Description | Error Code | Description | Details |
DO_NOT_HONOUR | Transaction not approved | 10005 | An error occurred during the payment process, please contact your bank. | This is a card-related error; the cardholder must contact their bank. |
INVALID_TRANSACTION | Invalid transaction | 10012 | An error occurred during the payment process, please contact your bank. | This is a card-related error. It is recommended that the card holder contact their bank. |
FRAUD_SUSPECT | Payment failed to pass security check | 10034 | The transaction was not permitted by the bank. | Fraud precaution. The transaction is not permitted by the bank. The customer may be the person committing fraud; it is recommended not to provide information to the customer and to direct them to the bank. |
PICKUP_CARD | Lost card, seize the card | 10041 | The PIN attempt limit has been exceeded, the transaction is not permitted by the bank. | This occurs when the user enters the PIN incorrectly multiple times, leading the bank to place a restriction on the card. The customer may be the person committing fraud; it is recommended not to provide information to the customer and to direct them to the bank. |
LOST_CARD | Lost card, seize the card | 10043 | The transaction is not permitted by the bank. | Notification of lost/stolen card. The transaction is not permitted by the bank. The customer may be the one committing fraud; it is recommended not to inform the customer and direct them to the bank. |
NOT_SUFFICIENT_FUNDS | Insufficient card limit, insufficient balance | 10051 | Insufficient card limit, insufficient balance. | This error occurs when the card limit is insufficient. |
EXPIRED_CARD | Expiry date incorrect | 10054 | Expiry date incorrect. Your card has expired. | This error occurs when the card has expired. |
NOT_PERMITTED_TO_CARDHOLDER | Cardholder cannot perform this transaction | 10057 | Your card is restricted for this transaction, please contact your bank. | This error occurs when there is a restriction placed on the card by the issuing bank. The cardholder should contact their bank for more information. |
NOT_PERMITTED_TO_TERMINAL | Terminal not authorized for this transaction | 10058 | Error occurred during payment, please contact the company representative. | This error is received from the POS bank and could be card-related. Please contact iyzico for transaction-specific issues. |
INVALID_CVC2 | Incorrect CVC2 information | 10084 | The entered CVV value is incorrect or invalid. | This error occurs when the CVV value sent in the payment request is incorrect or invalid according to the bank. The user can try the transaction again, and if the error persists, they should contact their bank. |
RESTRICTED_BY_LAW | Your card is closed for online shopping. You can contact your bank to enable it. | 10093 | Your card is closed for online shopping, please contact your bank. | This error occurs when the card is closed for internet banking. The cardholder can contact their bank or, if supported, enable internet banking through their bank’s mobile application. |
CARD_NOT_PERMITTED | Card did not permit the transaction | 10201 | The card did not permit the transaction, please contact your bank. | The cardholder should contact their bank for more details. |
UNKNOWN | A general error occurred during the payment process | 10202 | Error occurred during the payment process, please contact the company representative. | This error can occur due to an expected request structure error from the bank. Please contact iyzico for transaction-specific issues. |
INVALID_XML_END_TAG | A general error occurred during the payment process | 10204 | Error occurred during the payment process, please contact the company representative. | Please contact iyzico for transaction-specific issues. |
INVALID_CHARS_IN_EMAIL | Email is not in a valid format | 10205 | The email address is not in a valid format, please check your email address. | Please contact iyzico for transaction-specific issues. |
REFER_TO_CARD_ISSUER | Please get approval from your bank | 10207 | Please get approval from your bank. | This is a card-related error, and the cardholder needs to contact their bank. |
INVALID_MERCHANT_OR_SP | Invalid merchant category code | 10208 | Error occurred during payment, please contact the company representative. | Please contact iyzico for transaction-specific issues. |
BLOCKED_CARD | Card is blocked | 10209 | Card is blocked, please contact your bank. | The cardholder should contact their bank for more details. |
INVALID_CAVV | Incorrect CAVV information | 10210 | Incorrect CVC information, please try again. | This error occurs when the CVV value sent in the payment request is incorrect or invalid according to the bank. The user can try the transaction again, and if the error persists, they should contact their bank. |
INVALID_ECI | Incorrect ECI information | 10211 | Error occurred during the payment, please contact your bank. | This is a card-related error, and the cardholder needs to contact their bank. |
CVC2_MAX_ATTEMPT | Exceeded the maximum number of CVC2 attempts | 10212 | Exceeded the maximum number of incorrect CVC attempts, please contact your bank. | The cardholder should contact their bank for more details. |
BIN_NOT_FOUND | BIN not found | 10213 | BIN not found, please contact the company representative. | Please contact iyzico for transaction-specific issues. |
COMMUNICATION_OR_SYSTEM_ERROR | Communication or system error | 10214 | Error occurred at the bank, please try again later. | This error occurs due to temporary or transaction-specific issues at the bank. Please contact iyzico for transaction-specific issues. |
INVALID_CARD_NUMBER | Invalid card number | 10215 | Invalid card, incorrect card number, please check your card number. | The card number entered in the payment form should be checked by the user. If the error persists, the cardholder should contact their bank. |
NO_SUCH_ISSUER | Issuing bank not found | 10216 | Error occurred at the bank, please try again later. | This error occurs due to temporary or duration-based interruptions at the card bank. If the error persists, please contact iyzico for transaction-specific issues. |
DEBIT_CARDS_REQUIRES_3DS | Debit cards can only be used with 3D Secure transactions | 10217 | The transaction must be performed as 3D Secure. | This error occurs when the issuing bank informs that transactions made with the debit card must be 3D Secure. |
DEBIT_CARDS_INSTALLMENT_NOT_ALLOWED | Installments are not allowed with debit cards | 10218 | Installments are not allowed with debit cards, please try again. | This error occurs when installments are selected with a debit card. |
REQUEST_TIMEOUT | Request to the bank timed out | 10219 | Error occurred at the bank, please try again later. | This error occurs due to temporary or transaction-specific issues at the bank. Please contact iyzico for transaction-specific issues. |
DECLINED | Payment not accepted | 10220 | Please try again. If the error persists, please contact your bank. | This is a temporary bank error. The user can try again, and if the error persists, they should contact their bank. The detailed error can be checked from the iyzico Merchant Panel, and please contact iyzico for transaction-specific issues. |
NOT_PERMITTED_TO_FOREIGN_CARD | Terminal closed to foreign cards | 10221 | Transactions with foreign cards are not allowed, please contact the company representative. | This error occurs when the account is closed to foreign cards. Merchants who want to accept transactions with foreign cards can contact their iyzico account representative. |
NOT_PERMITTED_TO_INSTALLMENT | Terminal closed to installment transactions | 10222 | The POS is closed to installment transactions, please contact the company representative. | This error occurs when the POS used for the transaction does not support installments. The current installment information can be retrieved from the iyzico installment service. If an installment transaction is desired and not previously agreed upon, contact your iyzico account representative. |
REQUIRES_DAY_END | End of day required | 10223 | End of day required for the POS. | This error can occur for refund requests when a refund request is made for a transaction that occurred on the same day. |
EXCEEDS_WITHDRAWAL_AMOUNT_LIMIT | Withdrawal amount limit exceeded | 10224 | Your card's transaction limit has been exceeded, please contact your bank. | This error occurs when the transaction limit for the card is exceeded. The cardholder should contact their bank for more details. |
RESTRICTED_CARD | Restricted card | 10225 | Your card is restricted for this transaction, please contact your bank. | This error occurs due to a restriction placed on the card by the issuing bank. The cardholder should contact their bank for more details. |
EXCEEDS_ALLOWABLE_PIN_TRIES | Exceeded the allowable number of PIN attempts | 10226 | You have exceeded the allowable number of PIN attempts, please contact your bank. | This error occurs when the user enters the PIN value incorrectly multiple times. The cardholder should contact their bank for more details. |
INVALID_PIN | Invalid PIN | 10227 | Incorrect PIN number, please try again. | This error occurs when the user enters the PIN number incorrectly. Trying the transaction again is recommended. |
ISSUER_OR_SWITCH_INOPERATIVE | Bank or terminal cannot process the transaction | 10228 | Error occurred at the bank, please try again later. | This error occurs due to temporary or duration-based interruptions at the card bank. |
INVALID_EXPIRE_YEAR_MONTH | Invalid expiration date | 10229 | The expiration date of the card is incorrect, please try again. | This error occurs when the expiration date sent in the payment request is incorrect. The user can check and try the transaction again. |
REQUEST_BLOCKED_BY_BANK | Request blocked by the bank | 10230 | The payment request was blocked by the bank, please contact your bank. | This error occurs when the payment request is blocked by the bank. Please contact iyzico for transaction-specific issues. |
SALES_AMOUNT_LESS_THAN_AWARD | The sales amount cannot be less than the award points | 10231 | The sales amount cannot be less than the award points used | This error occurs when the points value sent in the payment request is more than the transaction amount. |
INVALID_AMOUNT | Invalid amount | 10232 | Invalid amount, please contact your bank. | This is a card-related error, and the cardholder needs to contact their bank. |
INVALID_CARD_TYPE | Invalid card type | 10233 | Invalid card type, please contact your bank. | This error is received from the bank and can be resolved by contacting the bank for transaction-specific issues. |
NOT_SUFFICIENT_AWARD | Insufficient award points | 10234 | Insufficient points. | This error occurs when the points value sent in the payment request is more than the user's available points. |
AMEX_CAN_USE_ONLY_MR | American Express card error | 10235 | American Express card error, please contact your bank. | The cardholder should contact their bank for more details. |
REFUND_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_THIS_DEBIT_CARD | Refunds are not allowed for debit card transactions | 10237 | Refunds are not allowed for debit card transactions | Please contact iyzico for transaction-specific issues. More information can be obtained from the bank. |
INPUT_DATA | Invalid transaction | 10238 | Invalid transaction | This is an alternative payment method error. |
USER_ABORT | Payment was canceled by the user | 10239 | Payment was canceled by the user | This is an alternative payment method error. |
TIMEOUT | The request sent timed out | 10240 | The request sent timed out | This is an alternative payment method error. |
REMOTE_ERROR | Communication or system error | 10241 | Communication or system error | This is an alternative payment method error. |
LOCAL_ERROR | Communication or system error | 10242 | Communication or system error | This is an alternative payment method error. |
LOCAL_DECLINE | Payment not accepted | 10243 | Payment not accepted | This is an alternative payment method error. |
REMOTE_DECLINE | Payment not accepted | 10244 | Payment not accepted | This is an alternative payment method error. |
QUOTA | The refund amount for the payment installment and the total previously refunded amount cannot be more than the installment amount | 10245 | The refund amount for the payment installment and the total previously refunded amount cannot be more than the installment amount | This is an alternative payment method error. |
REFUND_DECLINE | You cannot currently process a refund for the transaction made with the alternative payment method, please try again later | 10246 | You cannot currently process a refund for the transaction made with the alternative payment method, please try again later | This is an alternative payment method error. |
BANK_TRANSFER | Bank transfer payment not made | 10247 | Bank transfer payment not made | This response is returned when the expected payment via bank transfer/EFT is not received. |
EXCEEDED_TRANSACTION_AMOUNT | The amount you want to transact exceeds the transaction limit, we cannot assist you at this time. | 10248 | The amount you want to transact exceeds the transaction limit, please contact your bank. | The cardholder should contact their bank for more details. |
FUND_API | An error occurred during the fund API payment. | 10249 | An error occurred during the balance payment, please contact the company representative. | Please contact iyzico for transaction-specific issues. |
LOYALTY_USAGE_INSTALLMENT_NOT_ALLOWED | Points cannot be used for installment transactions. | 10250 | Points cannot be used for installment transactions. | This is not valid for all banks. When points are used in transactions from İş Bank and installments are sent, the transaction fails at the bank. |
LOYALTY_MIXED_USAGE_NOT_ALLOWED | Points and card limit cannot be used together for the card used in the transaction | 10251 | Points and card limit cannot be used together for the card used in the transaction | This is not valid for all banks. For World cards, if the card's bank is not Yapıkredi, the entire transaction amount must be paid with points, or no points should be used in the transaction. |
CALLBACK 3DS | An error occurred during 3D Secure verification. | This status occurs when the user cannot successfully verify themselves in the 3D form. | ||
INIT_3DS | An error occurred during the 3D Secure verification process. | The status of a transaction remains in the init_threeds state under the following circumstances: -When the user voluntarily exits the 3D form, -When the user is unable to view the 3D form for various reasons (e.g., due to network issues, low internet speed caused by the internet service provider, or situations where the user's environment prevents the 3D form from opening on their screen), -In cases where the transaction is conducted with a foreign card and the user does not receive an SMS, -When the card or the card's bank does not support 3D, -When the user has not set up a 3D password specifically for a foreign card. |
Last updated